Department 7.12 Statement

Tenure is the keystone for academic freedom and excellence, awarded for academic and professional merit. The Regents Policy on Faculty Tenure (tenure regulations) is the comprehensive institutional code that articulates the formal relationship between the University and its faculty. 

Read the FRIT Department 7.12 Statement and Standards for Promotion and Tenure 

This document describes with greater specificity the indices and standards that will be used by the Department of French & Italian to determine whether candidates meet the general criteria for indefinite tenure as they are set out in section 7.11 of the University of Minnesota Regents Policy on Faculty Tenure, as well as the indices and standards for promotion to the rank of professor as they are set out in section 9.2 of the same Regents policy. For a complete overview, the reader is advised to review sections 7 and 9 in their entirety. This document is also consistent with the Procedures for Reviewing Candidates for Tenure and/or Promotion: Tenure-Track and Tenured Faculty.

The document contains indices and standards for the following personnel evaluations:

  • annual reviews of probationary faculty
  • recommendation for awarding indefinite tenure
  • recommendation for promotion
  • annual performance appraisal for post tenure review according to Section 7a.b of the Regents Policy on Faculty Tenure

The FRIT Standards for Promotion and Tenure was approved on these dates: 

  • Approved by the Faculty of the Department of French & Italian November 2009
  • Approved by the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost on January 5, 2010