Permission Numbers & Wait Lists

Students will require a permission number to register for a class if the class is full or if the student has not taken the necessary prerequisites.

Permission numbers are automatically generated by the course registration system for each class. By default, these permission numbers override the prerequisite requirement, but they do not allow a student to join a class that is full. A staff member in the office must manually adjust your permission numbers to override a closed class. For classes that are full or nearly full, the office staff adjusts the first five permission numbers so they will override a closed class. If you need additional permission numbers adjusted, please contact the office staff.

Be aware of your classroom size and capacity before allowing additional students into a full class.

Communicating with students about permission numbers is the responsibility of the instructor. Please do not ask students to contact the office staff for a permission number. If you have questions about how to access your permission numbers or problems with them, office staff can provide assistance.

All permission numbers become inactive after the second week of term. If a student wishes to enroll in a course after this, they will need to go through a petition process with the college scholastic committee.

Wait Lists

If a class is closed and a student is unable to register, the student should sign up for the wait list. As seats become available in the course, students on the wait list will automatically be enrolled. Instructors can manage the order of the students on the wait list.

Wait lists are automatically closed and cleared at 11:59 p.m. the day before the first day of classes. If there are students on the wait list for your class and you wish to keep this list, please note the information before the wait list expires, as it will disappear.

Accessing Permission Numbers

Navigate to MyU > Key Links > Faculty Center

  • Verify that the list of courses you see is for the correct term. If not, click on the “Change term” button.
  • Click on the key icon to the left of the class for which you need permission numbers.
  • A window will open with a list of permission numbers for that class. Select a number from the list that has not been issued or used and that is marked as overriding a closed class.
    • To see all columns, including what your permission numbers are set to override, click on the "open all columns" button.


  • Select a number from the list that has not been issued or used and that is marked as overriding a closed class. Type the student's name in the Comments field to keep track of which student will receive the permission number. The ID and Name fields are automatically populated by the system once the student uses the number. Click Save.

  • Provide the selected permission number to the student and encourage them to use it promptly. Students can follow these instructions to use the permission number to register for a class.