Course Flyers

Creating a Successful Course Flyer

We currently post course flyers in the locked on the third floor not far from the stairs, on the large bulletin board inside the faculty offices area, and in a locked display case on the ground floor. We also make jpgs of all the flyers and post them on the department's Facebook page in the couple of weeks leading up to registration. In addition, we make a Google site with for the flyers and link it to the Courses page on the FRIT website. For examples of recent flyers, visit the Fall 2022 site.


Consider using a colorful, eye-catching image (or images) in your flyer.


Remember that less is more. Students are unlikely to read a long course description that includes too many details. Put yourself in the prospective student's shoes. If you were thinking about taking the course, what would you want to know? What would pique your interest? What would turn you off to the course?

  1. Compose an intriguing and informative description of the course. It should be punchy and accessible. If it is longer, It should be if broken up into paragraphs for ease of reading. Post it to ClassInfo as well as on your flyer. Have fun with this. Begin to set the tone for the course.
  2. Include relevant information about workload, expectations for students, and desired learning outcomes. Students will appreciate knowing what they are getting into.

The "Dos and Don'ts" of Course Flyers

DO ... DON'T ...

Revise a flyer from a previous semester.


Use a template from Word or another source.


Start from scratch.

Worry. There are so many ways to get started, it's hard to mess this part up!

Include basic information that students will be looking for, such as:

  • Course designator & number 
  • Course title
  • Semester
  • Instructor name
  • Number of credits
  • Days and times
  • Engaging course description

Include details that

  • Are subject to change (such as the classroom).
  • Are non-essential.
  • Overwhelm the flyer. (Students can find more information on One Stop or ClassInfo.) 
  • Make your course description intriguing and informative.
This should either be identical to or support the description on ClassInfo. Update your course on ClassInfo as needed and ASAP.

Use a description that contradicts ClassInfo.

Forget about updating ClassInfo.

Use graphics and/or color to create eye-catching flyers. Have fun with this! Go overboard with design elements.
Email an electronic copy of your flyer to [email protected]